Once every four years Americans get the opportunity to make a significant decision — which presidential and vice presidential candidates will run our country for the next four years.Many people hold the principle of voting in high esteem, especially college students, because upon entering college, many students get their first opportunities to vote. But instead of making it to the polls Nov. 4, most University students will be stuck in class. The University should reconsider holding class Nov. 4 to help encourage students to vote.According to the U.S. Census Bureau, voters from 18-24 years of age had the lowest turn out by age group for the 2004 election. Perhaps, if time was allotted for students, that percentage would increase, especially with the more than 28,000 students at our University.Most states mandate that employees receive specific time off during the day to make it to the polls. Louisiana does not have any specific law ordering employees to have time off to vote. But, according to the Louisiana statute RS 23:961, “No such employer shall adopt or enforce any rule, regulation, or policy which will control, direct, or tend to control or direct the political activities or affiliations of his employees.” The University should consider this statute when allowing professors to have tests or make projects due on Election Day. Even for the most studious college students, having to balance a test or homework along with the responsibility of voting is difficult. Also, many students are not Baton Rouge residents and are not registered to vote in this area. Making the drive home to cast your ballot can be next to impossible with classes.But with time off from school, students can plan accordingly to make it to their registered districts and take part in possibly the most important election of our generation.This Board encourage all students to make it out to the polls and cast their vote. Do not treat Nov. 4 as if it’s no big deal. We are electing the future leaders of our country.—-Contact the Editorial Board at [email protected]
Our View: University should reconsider classes on Election Day
October 30, 2008