Nov. 4 is important dayThe day draws near when everything our nation was founded upon — God, morals, ethics, freedom, and independence — are at stake. On Nov. 4, 2008, history is going to be made in our presence. We will create an era in the United States of America that our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren will endure long after we vanish from this Great Nation. It is in your best interest, as well as mine, that America retains her independence and freedom. Our nation has the chance to withhold from socialism and be led by a man courageous enough to put his life in harms way for you. He was tortured in foreign prisons so that you can walk the beautiful campuses and streets we so freely enjoy.On Nov. 4, 2008 we will have the chance to keep our dreams alive. Far too many students have hopes and dreams of becoming wealthy. It is the entrepreneurial dreams that shape the world power that America is today! The American Dream only comes to those that work hard and relentlessly. The ultimate reward of your work, time, sweat and tears — profit. Why should those who have succeeded and those that will succeed, despite the agony they endure, be penalized by a government that takes their profit? A thoughtless vote will be indisputably your own fault and the fault of many who do not vote. Students, friends, alumni and faculty, do not be fooled by redistribution of wealth. The government will not make you a millionaire. The government will not increase your pay check. The government can only provide more government jobs, thus extending its power over our personal freedoms and independence. These jobs will regulate free trade and strangle the hopes and dreams of entrepreneurs inspired by making a profit. Hard work, determination, and persistence make people wealthy. Not a politician!I know many readers will read this and refute back to the economy. Yes, it is in turmoil, but to be cynical and blame it on one president is absurd. The blame goes back for eras, more specifically, to the people who refuted Andrew Jackson and currently the people who have not endured the pain and time it takes to be prosperous. America has been in debt since the 1800’s — This is nothing new. The economy, while a matter of concern, is just being used as a platform to boast more rhetoric and propaganda. It would be foolish to vote for a politician that vows he can fix the economy with socialistic views.As a mega-power and the wealthiest nation in the world, United States is targeted by many radical terrorists everyday. The chances of a terrorist attack in the United States are higher than they have ever been in the existence of our nation. We do not want a leader in office who waivers in thoughts and actions when our safety is the ultimate factor. Elect a president that will keep the fight in their backyard, not ours.The vote that you cast on Nov. 4, 2008, will be the most important thing you will ever do as an American citizen to determine the path of our nation. It will be the most significant thing you will ever do to retain the factors that your nation was built upon: God, morals, ethics, freedom and independence. These factors can and will be diminished with big government. Do not be thoughtless when you vote for the next President of the United States, and do not be thoughtless when you vote for local officials who endorse candidates for President of the United States. Thomas “Henry” Guinnplant and soil science senior Students should explore political ideology in collegeIf a University student wants to become politically active, he or she has the choice of joining one of three primary organizations: Geaux Obama, College Republicans and College Democrats. The problem with this is that students are being encouraged to define their political identity rather than explore it.College is a time for intellectual investigation. By having partisan political organizations dominate, the search for truth is inhibited. Rather than seek to understand issues and form opinions based upon rational thought, individuals cling to the ideals held by their party of choice. Partisanship promotes following ideas in lieu of creating them.Holding moderate opinions or sentiments that span both ends of the political spectrum is seen as being indecisive. Indecisiveness is seen as a flaw. In reality, indecisiveness often shows that an individual comprehends the complex nature of a topic. Forming decisive opinions on issues that one does not fully understand can be dangerous.Perhaps a political organization that does not promote an agenda other than thought and awareness would be more beneficial to the university community than the current available options. At the very least it would give students the opportunity to learn critical thinking and become more capable members of society.Steve Wolfmass communication freshman—-Contact The Daily Reveille’s opinion staff at [email protected]
Letters to the editor, 10/27
October 25, 2008