Gov. Bobby Jindal vetoed legislation Monday to more than double legislators’ pay. But he did so for the wrong reason.
Jindal had until July 8 to veto the bill before it became law.
So why now? And for what reason?
Could it have something to do with the recall petition filed Friday against Jindal? Or maybe the few other petitions filed against members of the Legislature? Or could it be the recent resignation of his legislative director?
It certainly wasn’t that he felt his signature stamp was getting worn out. Jindal has left more bills unsigned than a cocky baseball player at an autograph session for kids that love endorsed hats.
Maybe the protesters in Shreveport changed the governor’s mind, but that took place nearly a week before the recall petition was filed.
The reason for our governor’s veto of Senate Bill 672: Jindal is covering his ass.
Although Jindal is trying to preserve his ethics reform agenda, he said he “knew [the pay raise] was completely excessive.”
Key word: knew.
He knew it all along, and he didn’t veto it – even with the public’s voice loudly screaming against the pay raise.
But as soon as those voices started whispering “recall,” SB 672 got hit with more red ink than a poorly written term paper.
It wasn’t the first hint of recall that got Jindal scared enough to veto though. Voters filed four recall petitions against legislators before Jindal became the target. After that, the veto came.
How convenient.
Kudos on the veto, Jindal. But if you knew it was excessive, why tell your constituents they will be paying more for their public servants, only to change your mind to keep your high post?
That’s called flip flopping.
Jindal gained publicity points when he admitted he made a mistake by not vetoing the bill sooner. That’s what mass communication students call good public relations.
But they don’t call it good practice.
“I clearly made a mistake by telling the Legislature that I would allow them to handle their own affairs,” Jindal said in a press release. “The sideshow over massive legislative pay raises has already taken up far too much time. It’s time to get back to doing the people’s business.”
Jindal’s head is on straight — now. So let’s hope he knows better next time the Legislature tries to pull a fast one.
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Gov. Bobby Jindal makes right choice for wrong reason
July 1, 2008