The 459 Commons – the only on-campus dining location open today – has been packed with students and evacuees grabbing a bite to eat throughout the day.University Dining Director David Heidke said 4,400 meals have been served today, a count known by the number of times emergency meal cards have been swiped.These cards are being issued to those wanting a meal, and provide for three meals – one breakfast, lunch and dinner – each day until further notice, Heidke said. The dining hall is open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily during Gustav’s aftermath.During the dinner rush, half an hour before close, a 50-yard line wrapped outside the building and onto the sidewalks. Heidke said the delay is due to fire codes preventing large number of patrons to enter the building.The dining hall seats 430 people, and Heidke said the facility has been filled “10 times today.”Heidke said the 459 Commons would not be operating efficiently if students had not volunteered to work in the dining hall. He said students have worked serving food and other jobs through the day.Heather Snell, biology senior, said she volunteered at 459 commons because she heard the PMAC was turning away volunteers. She said she has been going table-to-table asking other students to volunteer their time. She said she worked four hours Tuesday and plans to work another four Wednesday.Garrett Kampbell, theatre freshman, was last in line briefly and said he thought the wait – even if 30 or more minutes – would be worth it, as he’s eaten at 459 Commons before. Kampbell walked to the dining hall from Blake Hall, where he lives.”People don’t really have a lot of options for places to eat,” said Kampbell. “This is all we’ve got.”Scott Hannan, accounting junior, said he came to 459 Commons from his off-campus apartment. He said he heard the meals were free, which prompted him to get a hot meal. Hannan said he also ate lunch at the dining hall, but the line wasn’t even half as long.”We have no food at my house,” Hannan said. “And I’m pretty hungry.”
459 Commons packed with people – 7:15 p.m.
September 2, 2008