Student Government made a good call last week by re-examining its idea of playing music and handing out ‘freezie pops’ to honor University students, faculty and staff who volunteered on campus during Hurricane Gustav.Originally, SG planned to spend about $700 on the event, which was scheduled for Tuesday.Instead, SG President Colorado Robertson is meeting either today or Tuesday to talk with Chancellor Michael Martin. The two plan on brainstorming ideas for a University-wide day of appreciation.Some SG senators like Chris Sellers lobbied hard for the ‘freezie pop’ idea. Others SG senators like Chris Brown and Kyle Chandler shot down the idea.We side with Brown and Chandler.The idea of equating ‘freezie pops’ with volunteers potentially saving people’s lives during a natural disaster simply doesn’t sound quite right. ” … It doesn’t show the gravity of the situation,” Chandler said at Wednesday’s SG meeting.Additionally, we were concerned SG’s ‘freezie pop’ plan didn’t ensure those who volunteered were actually included in the appreciation event.Brown called this a “misappropriate of student fees,” and we agree.As a way to thank the volunteers, we propose SG sponsors a tailgate event for the next home game, specifically for those who gave their time during the storm.Then, SG should meet with Athletic Department officials to allow the volunteers to be honored on the field at the next home game either before kickoff, at halftime or during one of the various timeouts during the game.The loud ovations people receive on the field during football games is a great reward for the volunteers. It’s nice to have 92,000 fans honor you for your accomplishments.These volunteers gave of themselves selflessly during one of largest disasters in the history of this campus and this city.They deserve a little more than music and frozen flavored water.—-contact The Editorial Board at [email protected]
SG makes right decision to rethink ‘special day of programming’
September 14, 2008