Troy football coach Larry Blakeney told The Daily Reveille early Tuesday that he has had no communication with LSU athletic officials about Saturday’s 7 p.m. game in Tiger Stadium.”We have heard nothing… zero,” he said. “I’m sure they’re trying to get everything to a point where they can make a decision, but we’re patiently waiting.”Blakeney expressed sympathy and concern for the LSU community and said his team is “hopeful to play.”Right now the Trojans are scheduled to drive from Alabama to Baton Rouge and arrive Friday evening.Blakeney said both teams have a Nov. 15 open date that could be used if the game must be rescheduled. That date would fall between Western Kentucky and University of Louisiana-Lafayette games for Troy and between Alabama and Ole Miss for LSU.”We both have pretty serious conference games around that date,” Blakeney said.Herb Vincent, LSU senior associate athletic director, responded Tuesday morning to an inquiry from The Daily Reveille about Saturday’s game.”No changes yet,” he wrote through e-mail.—-Contact Amy Brittain [email protected].