To the University community in response to the article “Delightful ‘Juicy Campus’ provides University’s dirt,” by opinion editor Neal Hebert from the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity (Pike):The Sept. 11, 2008, article was intended to show as a home for unsubstantiated rumors, gossip and untruthfulness about the University community. The article quoted unverified sources that do not represent the opinions or integrity of Pike and its members. Instead, the readers interpreted the article as a piece of slander against Pike and Zeta Tau Alpha Sorority (Zeta) that had the possibility of hurting the reputation of both organizations.The anonymous person who posted on is not a member or pledge of our Fraternity and is no longer affiliated with Pike as a rushee. Pike and Zeta have had a good and long-standing relationship. Zeta, as well as all other Sororities, is comprised of some of the most exemplary young women on campus. Pike prides itself on its on-campus reputation, having been here uninterrupted since 1902 because we hold ourselves to a higher standard and ethical code. Pike is confident that, unlike what Mr. Hebert says, “one anonymous post” cannot successfully “out” a university fraternity. Lastly, we do not understand how any scholastic merit could be seen in an article that can deceitfully libel the Greek system and turn issues such as STDs and date rape into casual jokes and cartoons. We respectfully ask Mr. Hebert to use his position as an opinion editor to validate his outlook, using factual evidence while showing class and respect when publishing articles in the future. It is our hope that Mr. Hebert’s article will not affect the opinions of our campus towards the Greek community.The members of the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity do not stand for such personal slander.- The members of Pi Kappa Alpha
Letter to the editor
September 11, 2008