University administrators rejected Student Government’s request to limit Saturday classes to two, according to an e-mail from Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Astrid Merget, SG Speaker Ben Clark announced Wednesday. “Simply put: its implementation would be most problematic at this time, especially since planning for rescheduling is well underway and since one of the relevant Saturdays is so close at hand,” Merget wrote in the e-mail. Merget responded to an official SG Resolution requesting University administrators revise the Saturdays available to schedule classes to Oct. 4 and Oct. 18, in order to avoid conflict with the Florida and Auburn football games against the Tigers. Merget wrote that administrators will urge faculty to accommodate students with “serious problems” with the rescheduling.The Senate accepted Secretary Emily Chamber’s resignation, who cited time commitment problems. Chambers served as secretary for three semesters. SG also accepted the resignations of three SG Senators: Ashlea Edwards and Marianna Hyland, both from Arts and Sciences, and Devin Ricci, Basic Sciences. The Senate passed SG President Colorado Robertson’s executive order to create a SG “Bus Task Force.”The task force will be in charge of “riding and observing campus buses … in the pursuit of dependable bus service and safety of the student body,” the order stated. The Senate amended the Election Code to require students to submit an Election Code complaint within two class days of the violation. If no complaints are received by two class days after the results are announced, the results will be deemed final.The Senate also passed a resolution to include a roommate matching survey proposition on the fall ballot. Students will be able to vote whether they would like to “urge the … Department of Residential Life to adopt a roommate matching survey that better matched residents in campus residence.”—-Contact Katie Kennedy at [email protected]
Administration rejects request to limit Saturday classes
September 17, 2008