Campus Police believe an inmate at Wake County Jail gave orders from inside the jail to commit last month’s shootings at Wolf Village, according to a search warrant provided by Campus Police.
Alex Dorsey, 20, is believed to have given orders to the shooters who attacked Clarence Grubbs and Carolyn Pittman at about midnight on July 28 outside the Wolf Village gazebo.
Ryan Alexander Barnes, a sophomore in the First Year College, Leroy Barnes, 19, and Terrell Maurice Grimes, 16, were charged with attempted murder and assault with a deadly weapon with attempt to inflict serious injury.
Police intercepted a letter from Leroy Barnes that said there was another letter in a book bag at his mother’s house that contained instructions for the shooting of Grubbs, the warrant stated.
Grimes, Ryan and Leroy Barnes said they were members of the Crips gang, “and of the Set ‘Rolling ’30’s’,” according to the warrant.
Campus Police has said the shooting was sparked by a disagreement between members of different factions of the Crips gang.
Whitney Blakeney, a sophomore in business management and Barnes’ girlfriend, was also arrested for maintaining a dwelling for manufacture, sale and distribution of a controlled substance, marijuana, and was later charged for accessory after the fact.