Chaz Caiado, Student Government presidential candidate and arts and sciences junior, outlined his campaign platform Wednesday at a press conference in the Union Red River Room.
Caiado said his main issues will be reforming football ticket distribution and adding two new curricula.
Caiado said he disagrees with the athletic point system and called the previous system “pretty good.” He said the policy is unfair to students who must work on weeknights and cannot obtain points by attending winter sporting events.
Caiado also wants to develop meteorology and hospitality management curricula at the University. Caiado referenced the University of Louisiana at Monroe as the only Louisiana school with a meteorology curriculum.
Caiado said he has specific ideas instead of general campaign promises.
“A lot of people aren’t really sure what the other ticket stands for,” Caiado said.
SG presidential candidate Chris Odinet’s “The Difference” ticket is the only registered ticket. Caiado is running with his vice presidential candidate, political science sophomore Michael Faucheux, and one senate candidate. Faucheux was absent from the press conference.
Caiado said he is unsure if he will print campaign brochures for distribution.
“I’m somewhat an underdog,” Caiado said. “But there is still a chance and a chance that I’m prepared to take.”
Contact Amy Brittain at [email protected]
SG presidential candidate outlines campaign platform
By Amy Brittain
March 9, 2006