Students walking through Free Speech Alley on Wednesday had to pass an array of tables, but only one was decorated with plastic penises. Students on Target hosted its first Condom Race on Valentine’s Day. Volunteers raced to correctly put condoms on prosthetic dildos. The competitors with the fastest times were given backstage passes to the spring concert Groovin’ on the Grounds. Jay Moore, Students on Target director, said the goal is to educate students on the merits of safe sex. “Our goal is to spread awareness on how to use contraceptives properly. It has a great shock factor, which we hope will attract participants,” Moore said. Members were enthusiastic about the event, attracting passing students and distributing flyers with instructions on proper condom usage. Alan Nicholson, psychology senior and member of Students on Target, persuaded many to join the race. While some were reluctant to compete, many took an educational flyer. “We got the idea from reading about other universities who have done the same thing. I don’t think a lot of people will do it because they’ll feel awkward, but the idea is a good one,” said Jill Hancock, mass communication sophomore and member of Students on Target. The races were divided into three rounds: sober, blind and drunk. During the “blind” round, participants were blindfolded. Drunk goggles were worn to distort some participants’ vision and simulate intoxication during the “drunk” round. Participants were awarded visors and purple and yellow roses for their efforts. Hayes Barber, chemical engineering junior and Student Government senator, was the first volunteer. “Safe sex is important. Even if you don’t have sex, you should know how to put on a condom,” Barber said. Another volunteer, Mary Gray, said she did not do it for the prize but to encourage others to participate. “I wanted to show some support for the event so others would do it. It’s a great idea and a great way to show people how to be safe,” said Gray, nutrition senior. The overall winners were Reid Lejeune, political science freshman, and Marigny Armand, art history junior. “I did it for the prize,” Lejeune said. “Plus, how hard is it to put on a condom?”
—–Contact Nanci Valez at [email protected]
Condom Wrapping Races
February 15, 2007