For the second year in a row, the E.J. Ourso College of Business placed in one of the top ten spots in a Wall Street Journal ranking of universities that draw regional corporate recruiters.
The Flores MBA Program is a graduate business program that works in conjunction with the school of business. The program has 140 full-time students. They acquire approximately 70 new students each year. This program began in 1961 and is based in Patrick F. Taylor Hall.
About 4,500 recruiters from various companies rated the program in areas such as interpersonal relations and analytical abilities of the students and faculty.
“These recruiters are people who have hired from the business college and intend to hire more, either as interns or full-time employees,” said David Crary, director of the Flores MBA Program.
The program placed seventh. In the U.S. News and World Report ranking of the same survey, the program ranked 55 of 405 programs. The goal of the business college is to push its students in the right direction by allowing the survey to take place.
“It is important to take this message to new and existing recruiters to get them to hire some of our fine students,” Crary said.
The rankings are based on 21 essential characteristics as viewed by recruiters in direct relationship with the school, which include communications, ethics and leadership. The business school strives to prepare its students for the business world, and this survey keeps it on track.
“I think it’s fantastic. It is a great next step in our push toward the top,” said Chris Dean, graduate student in the business school.
The business school’s faculty and staff are optimistic about future surveys and hope their rankings will be as good, if not better, than this year.
—-Contact Gina Zanutto at [email protected]
Flores MBA program nationally ranked
By Gina Zanutto
September 19, 2007