The student body voted against a $34 fee increase proposed on the LSU Union Theater and Fee Referendum on March 21.
Of the 6,898 students that voted, fifty-one percent of the student body voted against the fee increase, while 49 percent voted in favor of it.
Students thought they had avoided yet another fee increase on an already long list of fees.
They thought wrong.
This week, University officials requested for the fee increase to be put on the agenda for the Board of Supervisors’ July 12 meeting.
The board is in no way legally bound by the referendum, which is more of a suggestion rather than a binding agreement between the University and its students.
But if the fee increase is included on that meeting’s agenda, the Board of Supervisors should seriously consider student opinion on matters concerning student money.
Few students will be present this summer to voice their concern over this issue.
But those that will be here can attend the Board of Supervisors meeting on July 12 at the LSU System Building on Lakeshore Drive.
They can also encourage Student Government representatives like Cassie Alsfeld, SG president and Board of Supervisors member, to fight for student opinion to be considered.
The student body upheld their obligation to future LSU generations when they voted to raise their own costs by $60 for the Union fee increase in 2003.
While hurricanes Katrina and Rita understandably caused construction costs to explode by 30 to 45 percent, the University should not dig into students’ pockets for the additional fee – they voted against it.
A large portion of LSU students and their families have been personally affected by the wrath of these storms, and the University should give their students every advantage to be able to rebuild the homes as well as the lives that were destroyed.
Let the LSU alumni, one of the most well-connected alumni groups in the country, shoulder the additional load when the students have already said no.
The theater does need improvements. Seats need to be refurbished, lighting and electricity need to be updated. But the student body voted this past spring. And no one has listened.
Students – go to the board meeting. Talk to your SG representatives. Make your voice heard.
Students’ voices need to be heard
June 12, 2007