The National Academies of Science recently selected Robert Twilley to serve on its Committee on Independent Scientific Review of Everglades Restoration Progress – a panel that operates within the NAS Division on Earth and Life studies as part of the Water Science and Technology Board.Twilley, associate vice chancellor of research and economic development and oceanography professor, was selected to serve in the third incarnation of the group since its initiation in 2004. The panel is responsible to monitor the progress toward achieving the restoration goals of the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan.”Restoring the Everglades is one of the largest ecosystem restoration programs with many of the challenges similar to restoring the Mississippi River delta,” Twilley said in a press release. “I look forward to tackling these challenges with other members of this NRC panel to provide guidance on how to achieve effective large-scale restoration efforts in the United States and abroad.”——Contact Leslie Presnall at [email protected]
Professor to serve on National Academies of Science Panel – 1 p.m.
March 11, 2009