The Staff Senate will hold its March meeting today at 10:30 a.m. in225 Peabody Hall.The Senate is expected to discuss the University’s budget situation aswell as Clovers and Quarters, the staff’s annual fundraiser that istaking place this week.Clovers and Quarters seeks to raise money for the Staff SenateEducation Fund, a program that awards a scholarship to $500 per yearto a staff member who is pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degreeat the University.The fundraiser runs through March 20. Donations are accepted incollection canisters throughout campus at the following locations:1. Office of the Registrar2. College of Education3. Frey Computing Center4. Center for Freshman Year5. Landscape Services6. University College7. Accounting Services8. Continuing Education9. Facility Services10. Building Services11. Office of Research and Economic Development12. Public Safety Building13. College of Business14. Office of the Chancellor15. Career Services——Contact Ryan Buxton at [email protected]
Staff Senate holds March meeting – 11:35 a.m.
March 18, 2009