While many University students are hitting the gym to prepare their bodies for spring break, Cody Albright is making sure his body is in tip-top shape for a much different reason. Albright, anthropology senior, along with 28 other dedicated University students, is part of the University’s powerlifting team, which will compete in the 2009 Collegiate National Powerlifting Championships in Baton Rouge on March 27-29.This year’s nationals, which Albright called the “Super Bowl of collegiate powerlifting,” begins at 7 a.m. in Family Christian Academy’s gymnasium and will hopefully contribute to the team’s growing list of national titles since its formation in 1999.Among the powerlifting team’s recent achievements are a men’s 2007 national championship and combined team 2007 championship, as well as a women’s 2008 national title. But the team members agree that winning this year’s national title in a local venue would be especially rewarding.”[The location of nationals] switches every year around the nation,” said Albright, who serves as the men’s team captain. “It’s been … years since it’s been in Baton Rouge. One of the big national meet promoters happens to live in Baton Rouge, so we [are] lucky and excited that it’s in our backyard this year.”The lifters’ performance at nationals comprises three lifts: squat, bench press and dead lift.”You get three attempts on each lift,” said Andy Hughes, kinesiology junior and team secretary. “Your heaviest [weight lifted] in each category goes toward your combined total, and the highest totals determine the winner.”The powerlifting team competes in an average of four sanctioned meets a year with the goal of reaching a qualifying total, Albright said. The lifters who reach this total are then eligible for nationals. Among the powerlifting powerhouses are LSU, Louisiana Tech, University of Louisiana at Lafayette and some Texas universities, said Patrick Mooney, kinesiology sophomore and team treasurer. Mooney said powerlifting is a South-dominated sport, with only a few choice teams emerging from the North.”I transferred from Southeastern University to LSU … specifically to join the powerlifting team,” Albright said. “The thing I really like about [powerlifting] is that it’s ‘put up or shut up.’ It’s not like I’m throwing a pass, and if someone doesn’t catch it, everybody’s doomed. I have to lift [the weight], and if I don’t, it’s on me — I don’t have anyone else to blame.”Though each individual seems to bear the burden, Albright, Hughes and Mooney agree their individual accomplishments as well as their common goals make nationals — as well as every other meet — a team effort.But the men aren’t the only contributors to this team effort. The women’s team makes up a vital portion of the combined team’s total lifting points.”Some of our female lifters … are probably stronger than some of the guys in our weight classes,” Albright said. “Their strength is underrepresented sometimes. Sam [Baker, team vice president] was a cheerleader, converted powerlifter and now she’s ranked … [among the best] in the world. They come in and work and earn it like everybody else.””Earning it,” as defined by the powerlifting team, is practicing 365 days a year with no off season, Albright said. After nationals, the team takes a week off before it starts training for next year’s competition, a commitment that requires both mental and physical strength.Despite the team’s grueling schedule, extensive practices and preceding victories, this year’s nationals will be anything but a walk in the park, Hughes said.”We’re definitely going to have to fight to win nationals,” Hughes said. “Last year, we didn’t … get the combined team award, so this year … we’re definitely looking to take back our crown and hopefully have another big ring on our fingers.”–Contact Natalie Roy at [email protected]
University powerlifting team to compete in nationals
March 23, 2009