When planning a hunting trip, the individual must choose what to hunt. Ducks, deer and quail are often the booty hunters score. But there’s another game hunted, another booty scored. Scoring women is a form of hunting many men prefer.Socially appropriate clothing is oft used as camouflage, and the goal is to lure in the prey. The hunter must be clever to attract girls while not scaring them away. Careful insertions of sweet nothings are also helpful in hunting. Each score can be tagged. While there’s no limit on the amount of tags per individual, a limit is a good move for personal health.Different kinds of game exist with three species being disputed as the best score: party girls, smart girls and gymnasts.In choosing your game, one must think of all aspects of the hunt, not just scoring itself. Skill requirements and accessibility are just as important as the home run. Scoring party girls is where a hunting novice should start. They’re easy to find, easy to entice and can rock the socks off any sportsman. They can be found at any bar at any time, and the skills required are minimal.This is because this species is not a score by the hunter at all.Party girls fool hunters with insobriety and charm — their arsenal for hunting. When the hunter lets down his defences, she strikes.Think of party girls as sirens, luring you in with their song of sexual skills. But in the end, it’s just sex — not likely to be original or grow in depth or emotion. Sirens are also more likely to have diseases, not to mention the occasional puking from excessive alcohol consumption. This is not the tag to mount. Flexible girls are another option. They require a more refined skill set and are hard to find. They can be thought of as vixen fox. Small and strong, they’re an excellent score to brag about. They rarely become boring because of the positions they can contort their bodies into. They’re also strong and able to do most of the work. There’s a con to this sport. By the time a gymnast is out of practice, she might not be up for playing games. This means a great score, but no tag for proof. The final option is the smart girl. Compare this breed to a bobcat. The hunting skills required here are vast. She is smart enough to dismiss most attempts at a quick encounter, but bobcats need love too. It’s vital to play along and set traps to outsmart this breed. In other words, foreplay is a necessity.Most will argue the party girls and gymnasts will be the best score, but they don’t see the whole picture. A University of Guelph study concluded that smart girls are better in bed. It found smart girls to be more comfortable with sex, easier to arouse and more likely to talk dirty. Bisexual girls should also be considered in this dispute. If this breed is scored, she may want to help in the hunt. Maybe these results are only accurate in Canada where the study was done, or the researchers have never been with a gymnast. But the results remain.Warning: Girl hunting is a risky business and involves complete attention and self-control.So hold on, spidermonkeys — scoring girls will prove to be the most dangerous and exciting game.No girls were harmed during the making or research of this column.Isabel Blum is a 21-year-old communication disorders junior from New Orleans.– – – -Contact Isabel Blum at [email protected]
(Bi)Partisan View: Mounting trophy wives is a difficult but fun game
April 2, 2009