Don’t blame it on the ‘goose or the henny,’ blame the long and short term problems that come from alcohol consumption on the lack of alcohol awareness.To promote alcohol awareness, Residential life hosted the “Tipsy, Drunk and WASTED” event Thursday night.Guest speaker Laura Rachal, president of Student Health Advocates, dispelled commonly held beliefs about drinking through a game of true or false. Students were quizzed on alcohol issues such as alcohol poisoning, how alcohol affects men and women of differently, and the number of alcohol-related sexual assaults on college campuses.”We educate — that’s our goal,” Rachal said. “I want students to learn that it’s not about restriction, it’s about control and safer practices in every area of health.”Rachal informed students of the amount of alcohol in standard drinks such as a 12-ounce beer or wine cooler, which contains 5 percent alcohol. Rachal also informed students about the unexpected amount of alcohol in mixed drinks such as margaritas and long island ice teas, which contain more than one serving of alcohol.While consuming large amounts of alcohol is bad, there are safe ways to enjoy an alcoholic beverage, Rachal said. Drinking water in between drinks is the best way to prevent dehydration — one of the major causes of a hangover, Rachal said. Eating before drinking is also good because the body will require energy to break down the alcohol, she said.In addition to educating students about alcohol consumption, students experienced what it was like to be intoxicated by having a relay race while wearing “beer goggles” — goggles with special lenses which distort images. Mindy Escamilla, psychology freshman, said alcohol awareness wasn’t her only reason for attending the event.”There’s always a useful part you’ll get from coming to events like this.” Escamilla said. “But I also came to socialize with dorm mates and get to know people.”To encourage social interaction and non-alcoholic fun, students made and consumed virgin daiquiris.——Contact Alice Womble at [email protected]
Residential Life promotes alcohol awareness
April 2, 2009