About 20 members of Students for the Promotion of Antiquity gathered Tuesday night in the Howe-Russell Geoscience Complex to enjoy some free pizza and an “ancient” film. “I have a dream, and my dream is you,” sang Esther Williams as Amytis after her breathtaking underwater dancing scene in the 1955 film “Jupiter’s Darling.” SPA is just that: a dream. SPA President Michelle Richardson, business senior, was just another classics lover before she and some other students founded this organization. “It was obvious when I came to college that we needed to form a classical organization,” Richardson said.Richardson was a member of the Junior Classical League in high school, so developing SPA and now being its president, fulfills her love of the classics.SPA is a special interest organization of Campus Life put together by students who, like Richardson, have a love of classical Greek and Roman history, but who did not choose a related major at the University. In order to be a member, Richardson said a student would need to have a genuine interest in the classics. The classical movie night with free pizza is an event sponsored by SPA and Eta Sigma Phi, an honor fraternity that seeks to promote and expand the classics program. Membership for Eta Sigma Phi requires students to have at least a “B” in certain Latin or Greek classes. Eta Sigma Phi Adviser and Latin instructor Ann Ostrom attended the event.”When I was in college, I was a big history and classics nerd myself,” said Ostrom. “I had the most supportive adviser. So when this opportunity was presented, I decided to take the position and try to give these students the same experience I had.””Jupiter’s Darling” isn’t ancient in its production, but rather in its content. The film is an old MGM aquatic musical comedy about Hannibal’s march on Rome. In addition to movie nights and museum visits, SPA has hosted Toga Bowling and are planning a Toga Putt-Putt night, to be announced at a future date.—-Contact Mary Walker Baus at [email protected]
Classical organization gathers for ‘ancient’ movie night
February 10, 2009
Students for the Promotion of Antiquity gather Tuesday night in the Howe-Russell Geoscience Complex to watch an “ancient” movie.