All non-TOPS-having, Pell Grant-dependent students at the University, read on.President Obama’s economic stimulus package will help you stimulate the economy, even as you find jobs to earn a little extra Ramen money.Passed last week by the U.S. House of Representatives and introduced to the U.S. Senate this past Monday, the stimulus package includes a $13.9 billion increase in Pell Grant funding, which would help an estimated 7 million underprivileged students pay for higher education, according to the Senate Appropriations Committee’s Web site.For the 2008-2009 academic year, there are 3,648 University students taking advantage of the Pell Grant program. Ranging in awards from $400 to $4,731, these students earned $12,242,981 from the program, giving each student an average of $3,356 in federal aid.President Obama’s Pell Grant plan would increase the maximum amount by $281 for next academic year, followed by another $400 increase for the 2010-2011 academic year.The maximum award would increase from its current level of $4,731 to $5,412.The Senate must not tamper with this piece of the stimulus package as it makes its way through Congress.This program is the best available federal program for helping underprivileged students earn access to college.Considering Gov. Bobby Jindal is trying his best to make higher education in Louisiana a fantasy with his budget cuts, we commend President Obama’s attention not only to short-term quick fixes, but also to a comprehensive, long-term strategy to make sure the economy is not only stimulated, but still existing by the time University students enter the working world.The increase in funding for Pell Grants works to ensure the stimulus doesn’t just create more than four million jobs related to infrastructure, health care, energy and the foundation of our 21st century economy. They do and will provide help to students whose parents never had or have the ability to finance the dreams of their children.–Contact the Editorial Board at [email protected]
Our View: Pell Grant increase is college students’ own stimulus
February 3, 2009