In response to a string of recent armed robberies around campus, the Baton Rouge Police Department hosted an informational session for concerned residents Wednesday night at Oakbrook Apartments on Nicholson Drive.There have been 65 armed robberies in the immediate off-campus area since October, said Cpl. Drew White of BRPD. White presented safety tips and information to five Oakbrook residents. He said he didn’t want to make anyone paranoid but wanted them to be aware of the problems and their surroundings.”This is more of a ‘be aware, be alert, stay alive’ kind of thing,” White said. “As much as I hate to say it, these things are going to happen.” The most recent Oakbrook robbery occurred at about 8:30 p.m. on Nov. 5, White said.White said the incident happened after a hooded man asked a student for a cigarette lighter. When the student said he didn’t have one, White said the man pulled a gun on him.White said the robberies are not isolated to Oakbrook, and the problem is not a new one.White advised the attendees simply give up their belongings if confronted with a similar situation. If the perpetrator asks for anything else — like having a victim get into a car — White said they should fight for their lives.”It might be hard to fight, but scream as loud as you can,” White said. “Once they see you’re feisty, they’re more than likely to stop because they don’t want to get caught.”White said 86 percent of people who fight back don’t end up getting raped or killed. But he said most injuries are sustained before a victim starts to fight back.He recommended poking at the eyes, punching the throat or kicking the groin of an attacker.”Mace is good if it’s in your hand,” White said. “If it’s in your purse, it’s garbage.”College students are generally easy targets for the criminals who come into the area to prey on weaker victims, White said. Students are often the least dangerous targets.White, who lives in Oakbrook, has been with BRPD for 11 years and said he has only seen the problem get worse over time.Aubrie Lasyone, mass communication junior and Oakbrook resident, said she had heard of crimes in the area, but isn’t frightened.”I’m not uncomfortable living here,” Lasyone said. “It makes you think about it more, but I’m not scared to live here.”Brittany Green, kinesiology junior and Oakbrook resident, said she has always been nervous about crime.- – – -Contact Adam Duvernay at [email protected]
BRPD warns residents of crimes
November 19, 2009