Health Care bill long out of necessity
On Saturday, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Affordable Health Care for America Act (H.R. 3962). This piece of legislation has repeatedly been criticized by Republicans for being too lengthy, at 1990 pages long. It is sad that these people do not understand the importance of accuracy and organization within a piece of legislation. Did Republicans desire a brief bill, or did they simply seek to crash the 1990 pages of reform that will expand critical health coverage to over 40 million uninsured Americans? Surely, we do not look down upon our Congress for crafting a complex bill to heal a complex wound in the American system! The message from Republicans was clear: thwart the coverage of the uninsured by all means possible, make the Democrats look as evil as possible, and insinuate that Democrats are only trying to garnish control over the American population by establishing “death panels” and stealing from Grandma’s purse. The Republican opposition to this plan has been nothing more than an elementary game of spreading rumors, every argument conjured from lies and falsities, or the furthest stretch of the imagination. This act gives opportunity and security to all Americans. If anyone is opposed to that, then they, my friends, are the evils of this country.Judson K. Watkinspolitical science freshman
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Letter to the Editor: 11/09/09
November 8, 2009