A recent study by Pew Research reveals a significantly higher percentage of Internet users now use Twitter or similar status updating services since the last time the survey was commissioned from December 2008 through April 2009.
“Some 19 percent of Internet users now say they use Twitter or another service to share updates about themselves, or to see updates about others,” the October 21 Pew Research survey said. “This represents a significant increase over previous surveys in December 2008 and April 2009, when 11percent of Internet users said they use a status-update service.”
The findings come after a high-profile summer for Twitter — a summer some have dubbed a “Twitter revolution.”
Scores of dissenting Iranians flocked to the status updating service to get around the Iranian government’s restrictions on mass media — a time many considered a defining moment for Twitter.
“The immediacy of the reports was gripping,” an editorial from The Washington Times said. “Well-developed Twitter lists showed a constant stream of situation updates and links to photos and videos, all of which painted a portrait of the developing turmoil.”
—-Contact Nate Monroe at [email protected]
Twitter and other status update services gain more popularity – 10:40 a.m.
November 3, 2009