The Tigers’ unfortunate loss to the No. 1 Gators apparently isn’t so bad or detrimental to the season. Is it because we are emerging as a possible contender for the BCS title because of a suddenly manifested offense? No, our loss to Florida is OK because Tim Tebow is still a virgin … or at least that’s what I heard leaving the Florida game from a silly girl of questionable sobriety.Raucous laughter followed the comment, but I was perplexed and a little put down. I felt as though any victory or accomplishment I had earned was worthless and inadequate. Oh wait. No, I didn’t.My sexual status in life has the importance I would associate with what I leave in the toilet from time to time.I assume masses of college students would say I’m “weird,” “missing out” or “denying human nature.” Missing out — maybe. Weird — I like that. Denying human nature — I disagree.I would say human nature is distinguished from the instincts of other animals by our ability to choose whether to follow hormonal suggestions granted by evolution. We are human because we don’t act like non-homo sapiens. When our hormones fluctuate in excess, we don’t respond by trawling through Fred’s for a hot piece of … yeah. So avoiding sex is more human than not.My intentions in life don’t include dying without having sex. That’s silly. I’m sure it’s a terrifically pleasurable experience. Then again, so is being really good at sports, succeeding in school or just the companionship of someone about whom you care dearly.No, for these accomplishments, the instantaneous concentration of euphoria is not proportional to that of sex, but consider some of their long-term benefits.Job availability and financial security? The presence of someone who actually cares for you?Are the one to 10 (correct me if I’m wrong) seconds of carnal “Aaaaah” equal?If your answer is yes, I would say you’re short-sighted, superficial and destined for a later-in-life realization of emptiness.After the instant of euphoria, what do you have to show for it? A used condom? An STD? An unplanned pregnancy? Well, maybe, but it felt really good, right? Sex seems like a weak investment after analyzing its benefits. I don’t mean to over-emphasize the risks of having sex. That’s the job of over-zealous parents and religious clerics and leads to uneducated sexual experiences and a higher percentage of the unwanted risks. I want to focus on the lack of gains.No, I don’t have any experience on this topic, but I don’t see the appeal of something so short-lived.The gain of sex is feeling good, and it can be a unifying experience in relationships. But in choosing to postpone sex, you can avoid pregnancy and STDs! Beat that, Nuva Ring! Doesn’t that sound like a major problem our generation is encountering?Obviously, I’m a proponent of abstinence. The only criticism of abstinence I can think of is its ineffectiveness, but a strategy can’t work if you don’t execute it. Crudely, the success of abstinence hinges on the ability of our generation to keep the proverbial “it” in our pants.The same is true for other means of birth control. Couples’ chances of pregnancy and STDs are significantly higher if they don’t use condoms or the pill, but sex still has absolutely possible repercussions. Virginity doesn’t. You be the judge.So in response to the silly girl from the game, Tebow has two on you — his team won, and he’s not at risk for herpes.Matthew Lousteau is a 20-year-old mechanical engineering junior from LaPlace. Follow him on Twitter@TDR_mlousteau.—-Contact Matthew Lousteau at [email protected]
Eat Less Learn More: Virginity is a safe, intelligent choice, not a witty insult
October 30, 2009

In this Oct. 24, 2009, file photo, Florida quarterback Tim Tebow watches a replay of his fourth-quarter interception that was returned for a touchdown by Mississippi State on the video scoreboard during an NCAA college football game in Starkville, Miss.