Students have decided to rock out at this spring’s Groovin’ on the Grounds.Rock was the most popular genre selected by students to headline Groovin’ in the survey conducted by Student Government last week, said SG Vice President Martina Scheuermann at the SG Senate meeting Wednesday.Rock received 45 percent of the 4,439 responses to the survey. Country ranked as the headliner students would least like to see.Groovin’ organizers will now search for a rock headliner for the event, and the selected artist will be announced in the spring, said SG Adviser Michelle Eldredge. Hip Hop / Rap was the second most popular genre selected, so organizers will seek an opening act from that genre, Eldredge said.Zach Hoffman, political science senior, said he has never been to Groovin’, and it would take a really good artist to get him to come out.”I voted for either Madonna or the Rolling Stones,” Hoffman said. Hoffman said he listened to Groovin’ one year while drinking on the front porch of his house near campus.”They should change the rules and allow alcohol,” Hoffman said. “It would put the Groovin’ into the grounds. Seriously, it would get more people to come.”Eldredge said organizers are in the process of reviewing the comments and suggestions from the survey.Also at the meeting, Sen. David Jones, University Center for Freshman Year, announced 62 students were registered to vote Wednesday as part of a voter registration drive being held in Free Speech Alley from Oct. 21 until Nov. 4. The Senate also enrolled a bill allocating $150 from SG Corporate Sponsorship fund to award the winners of the “Rock Out With Tiger Band” competition.The Senate also passed eight resolutions filling committee and board positions and appointing an executive aid.SG also hosted Straight Talk on Wednesday. Typically, Straight Talk is held in Free Speech Alley, but SG held the event on the Tiger Transit buses two weeks ago and 459 Commons today.”Standing out in Free Speech Alley is not enough to get our message out,” SG President Stuart Watkins said. “We specifically arrange for Straight Talk to be in different areas throughout the semester so we can reach different groups of people.”—-Contact Xerxes A. Wilson at [email protected]
Student Government: Rock artist to be headline act for Groovin’ on the Grounds
October 22, 2009