Hey, everybody, I made cupcakes! Whose birthday is it, you ask? Why, it’s in honor of the millions of aborted fetuses who never had real birthdays! Hope that doesn’t ruin the sweetness of the buttercream icing I lovingly piped in the image of a mutilated unborn baby.Just kidding. I would never do that because it’s horrifying and crazypants.Right?Actually, the Web site for National Pro-Life Cupcake Day suggests you decorate the cupcakes with catchy slogans like “Thou Shalt Not Murder” and “I (heart) Babies,” then “hand them out with plastic baby fetus’s (sic).” I think my fetus-icing idea kills two appetites with one stone, but to each his own.It’s offensive and illogical for anti-choice advocates to assume I am pro-murder and a baby-hater because I’m pro-choice. Actually, I am staunchly opposed to murder, and I really love babies. Lots of my friends have babies, and I was once a baby. I’d be willing to bet the vast majority of pro-choice people feel similarly about loving babies and not killing people.Sadly, I’m a little late for National Pro-Life Cupcake Day, but I should be just in time for National Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity. Participants will, according to the silentday.org Web site, wear red armbands and duct tape on their mouths, not speaking all day but handing out fliers to explain their cause. I like this protest a lot more than the cupcake one. By all means, don’t tell me about your Puritanical convictions regarding reproductive rights. No one wants to hear graphic descriptions of a very personal medical procedure — especially not from males who can never understand what it means for a woman to conceive, carry and deliver a child.Anti-choice boys, would you like it if I came up to you in Free Speech Alley and gave you a detailed description of a vasectomy, complete with graphic visual aids?Probably not, though it might make you think twice about getting that procedure.Propaganda like this relies upon a similar strategy to protest the George W. Bush-era shock and awe campaign: upset and flabbergast them into submission. Then, once they’ve carried and birthed a child they aren’t financially or emotionally ready to raise (to which they are now too attached to give up for adoption), tack up the “Mission Accomplished” banner and forget about them. Scare tactics and shock value are tools used by bullies who don’t have convincing facts or reason on their sides. Surgical abortions are actually very safe outpatient procedures, according to a 2002 American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology study. Another study showed abstinence-only education has not proven effective — just two important facts often misrepresented or altogether ignored by anti-choice advocates.While the abortion issue is a complicated one on which both sides may never agree, it essentially boils down to people who want to be pure and people who want to be responsible.The solution seems simple enough and is certainly not a new idea. If you think abortion is wrong, then don’t have sex. And if you do have sex and get pregnant, don’t have an abortion. But perhaps most importantly, don’t inflict your morals on people who disagree.Then people like me can stop writing columns like this, and we can all get along. Doesn’t that sound better than passive-aggressive cupcake campaigns and cliché tape-on-mouth protests? I think so. I’d love for anti-choice activists to put me out of a job by cooling down and working to keep peace instead of disrupting it.Sara Boyd is a 22-year-old general studies junior from Baton Rouge. Follow her on Twitter @TDR_sboyd.–Contact Sara Boyd at [email protected]
Age of Delightenment: Graphic images, scare tactics won’t end abortions
October 19, 2009