Students planning to watch the Florida-Gators challenge the Tigers in Death Valley on Saturday should bring a pristine student ID in order to enter the stadium, Student Government officials said in a broadcast e-mail Thursday. University officials said the ID being used must match the person using it, and the photo cannot be faded. The Tiger Card office is open Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. till 5:00 p.m. and is not open Saturday. The Tiger Card Office will replace faded IDs for free. “I have definitely noticed a difference this season,” said Melissa Hart, SG Director of Athletics.”They will look at the ID and look at you before they swipe. I have been told that students who try to use other people’s IDs will be turned in to the Dean of Students and will not be allowed in the stadium.”SG President Stuart Watkins announced there will be three bag check lines at the student gate for the Florida game. The bag check lines will be the three closest to the stadium and marked by signs. Only people with bags can pass through these lines.”One of the biggest issues with the bag check lines being slow is random guys without bags standing in line and slowing the process down,” Watkins said.Hart addressed the SG Senate earlier this semester about complaints regarding the bag check line at Tiger Stadium.Hart said she had received numerous complaints about the bag check lines being slow.”I recommend if you don’t need a bag then don’t bring them,” Hart said. “It will speed up the process for you and everyone.”Hart also reminded students that bags larger than 8 1/2 inches by 11 inches — or the size of a typical piece of paper — are not allowed in the stadium. “We will have people at the lines directing traffic,” Hart said. “We are going to make sure only people with a bag or purse are going to get in the bag check lines and direct people into lines that are not being used as much,” Hart said.Watkins also announced students would be allowed to print their student tickets in the SG offices on the first floor of the LSU Student Union from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Saturday.
– – – -Contact Xerxes A. Wilson at [email protected]
SG outlines gameday reminders in e-mail
October 9, 2009