To see a timeline of stories about the double homicide, click here.Nearly two years after two graduate students were slain in their on-campus apartments, Devin Parker, one of the three suspects arrested, will return to court next week so his defense counsel may review DNA evidence presented by the prosecution.But no verdict will be delivered Oct. 29, and justice will wait to be served in a case that not only remains an open investigation but also faced a major setback when two of the three accused and arrested men were not indicted by a grand jury, despite police and investigators saying enough evidence was presented for a case to be built for the men’s indictment.”I feel, personally, we had enough evidence to indict all three, but obviously the grand jury didn’t feel the same way,” said Maj. Lawrence Rabalais, Interim LSUPD Police Chief. “It is frustrating. It was a gambit of well experienced, season veterans that were involved in this investigation, and I think if you ask any of them who were involved, they would tell you when we arrested those three people, we had the right people.”The homicides took place Dec. 13, 2007, at Edward Gay Apartments, and police arrested Casey Gathers, Michael Lewis and Parker on May 22, 2008 after an anonymous source said the three men were responsible.Parker, who admitted his involvement to police, is the only suspect indicted in the case. Gathers and Lewis were released after a grand jury did not issue an indictment. Parker was indicted in September 2008.Documents obtained by The Daily Reveille show what investigators believe transpired the night the double homicide took the lives of Chandrasekhar Komma and Kiran Allam — two graduate students from India — and show how the investigation has been carried out and possible reasons why law enforcement officials have been unable to convict multiple suspects.The documents, used in the discovery portion of Parker’s case and obtained through open-records laws, disclose a portion of the prosecution’s evidence against Parker, including what was used to secure his indictment.And while Parker’s admission to the crime was enough to secure his indictment, his claims of Lewis’s and Gathers’s involvement combined with the anonymous source’s account and the lack of physical evidence was not enough to indict the other two men.Matthew Gilbert, University alumnus, worked on the same floor as Komma and said he is disheartened by what he sees as a lack of justice.”They arrested suspects that they were fairly certain that were involved in this,” Gilbert said. “It is extremely frustrating to think these guys walked out of prison scott free. They say that the investigation is ongoing, but it appears as though nothing is going to happen.”The anonymous source, who contacted investigators and said Parker, Lewis and Gathers were responsible for the murders, was able to identify photos of the men and give their approximate ages to then LSU Police Department Detective Jared Myers, according to the files.About one month later, Parker told investigators he was present at the time Komma and Allam were killed, the documents show.In his May 2008 interview with investigators, Parker said he, Lewis and Gathers passed the victims outside their apartment before confronting and forcing them into the home. Parker said the victims were forced to lie on the floor once inside, and Allam ran toward the door shouting, “Police,” according to the documents. Continuing, Parker told investigators Gathers physically stopped Allam from leaving the apartment and used a silver revolver to shoot and kill him. Parker said once he left the apartment, Gathers killed Komma. Parker told police the three men robbed Komma and Allam, and he “took [Allam’s] wallet and a cellular phone … approximately 40 dollars cash.” Parker said he later sold the phone for another $40, and after Komma was killed, Gathers and Lewis went to their vehicle, where they split about $80 taken from a second wallet.Investigators also received a similar account of the night’s events from the anonymous source who identified the three men as those responsible.LSUPD Lt. Detective Patrick Martin — who now heads the detective unit — said when one matches the anonymous source and Parker’s accounts of the events to the crime scene, one can logically see how the descriptions match and present the best account of what happened.Martin said the source was someone close to Parker, and investigators confirmed the source was not at the scene of the crime when it occurred.The main piece of evidence against Gathers and Lewis was Parker’s testimony that the men were intimately involved in the murder. Relying on a statement with a lack of actual physical evidence is what likely caused the grand jury not to indict the other two men, Martin said.Baton Rouge District Attorney Hillar Moore said Gathers and Lewis are still persons of interest, and he said he believes more than one person was involved in the killings.”Arrest is based on probable cause,” Moore said. “Guilty convictions and evidence needed to bring someone to trial [has to be] beyond a reasonable doubt. There is a huge difference between the two. I believe that had the grand jury thought there was enough evidence and information at the time, they would have indicted whoever they thought was appropriate at the time, but things are subject to change. I hope for this case we do receive more information and things do change.”Although Rabalais said he felt they had enough evidence to arrest the two men, Gathers’ attorney, James Menassah, said investigators couldn’t build a case against his client because the information they got was not verifiable and “just plain wrong.”Menassah said he couldn’t recall any specific alibi Gathers gave him because his notes from the case were not readily available, and it has been more than a year since prosecutors failed to indict his client.The Gathers family declined to comment when contacted by The Daily Reveille.Vamsi Boyapati, a close friend and coworker of both the victims, said he struggles to answer the typical questions as to why someone would kill his friends and is particularly haunted by a series of phone calls he received the night of the homicide.Boyapati, biochemistry graduate student, said he would visit Allam and Komma on a nearly nightly basis. Boyapati said Komma would pick him up from his apartment on a typical night, and the two would meet with Allam to smoke and discuss school topics.”At 8:30 p.m. or 8:45 p.m. that night Kiran called me and said that he wanted to come to my apartment and give me a package,” Boyapati said. “I told him I was not at the apartment.”Boyapati said he happened to be stuck in his lab doing experiments late into the night, so he was unable to join his friends as usual at Allam’s apartment.”I got another call from Kiran at about 9:10 p.m. asking if I would be coming for a smoke to his apartment,” Boyapati said. “I told him I was still busy so he said, ‘Don’t get disturbed [from your work], do your work.'” At about 11:00 p.m. Boyapati was back in his apartment when he received the tragic news that he had lost his two friends.”I definitely regret everyday that I wasn’t there that day,” Boyapati said. “At least I could have been a part of it. If I was with them, I think I might have been happy being one of the three guys instead of the two guys. Its been really tough, and now it has become a part of my life.”—-Contact Xerxes A. Wilson at [email protected]
Double homicide still unsolved
October 21, 2009