Chancellor Michael Martin sent an e-mail to University faculty and staff on Wednesday, outlining his furlough — unpaid time off — plan for professional and classified employees.The University released its basic plan to reduce about $19 million from its operating budget last week, and 100 layoffs or job eliminations are expected. “The purpose of the furloughs is to minimize layoffs on the LSU campus,” Martin said in the e-mail. The reduction in work hours and furloughs will be differentiated based on annual salaries, Martin said. Professional employees — non-faculty administrative employees — making less than $30,000 a year will not have to endure a furlough, while professional employees making between $30,000 and $74,999 will see a 2 percent salary reduction (a 35 work hour furlough). Professional staff making between $75,000 and $149,999 will see a 3 percent salary reduction (a 52 work hour furlough), and those making more than $150,000 will see a 4 percent salary reduction (a 69 hour work furlough) as well.Classified employees — civil service employees — making less than $30,000 a year will see no reduction in work hours. Classified employees making between $30,000 and $74,999 will see a 1.5 hour furlough for 20 biweekly pay periods and a 2.5 hour furlough for 2 pay periods. Classified staff making between $75,000 and $149,999 will see a 2.5 hour furlough for 20 biweekly pay periods and a 1 hour furlough for 2 pay periods. “Due to contractual obligations, faculty and other academic staff are urged to participate in the furlough on a voluntary basis,” Martin said. “For safety and security reasons, we are also requesting from Civil Service an exemption for Police Officers within the LSU Police Department and employees within the Student Health Center whose responsibilities include direct patient care.” The furlough plans were recently submitted to the Department of Civil Service. Professional staff furloughs will begin Sept. 1 and classified staff furloughs will begin August 29. —-Contact Kyle Bove at [email protected]
University announces furlough plan
July 16, 2009