Smoking is bad for you.It’s a fact our mothers, teachers and government have told us since we were small. But, when students begin to adjust to college — and the newfound freedom they find there — many choose to pick up the habit anyway.The negative effects of smoking are well-known and well publicized. Pretty much everyone has seen at least one public service announcement showing charred lungs and disheveled, burnt-out faces. Smoking is an undeniable hazard to a user’s health — and let’s not forget that second-hand smoke is an equally serious problem.We applaud Prof. Judith Sylvester’s efforts to raise awareness about smoking and the health risks associated with the habit by organizing the Smoking Words campaign. It is commendable for such a campaign — especially a campaign fueled by student activity — to ensure University students are aware of exactly how much damage they do to themselves by lighting up.That said, Smoking Words needs to remain an education effort in the strictest sense of the word. If the campaign begins to try to coerce or bully students who smoke in any way, then it has crossed the line from a good-natured attempt to inform students to an organization that interferes in individual decisions.A college student has a right to smoke — even if it harms him greatly.Smoking Words needs to be careful to maintain a passive, non-evasive role. If it begins to turn intrusive, it’s hurting both the campus and it’s own cause.—-Contact the Editorial Board at [email protected]
Our View: Prof.’s informative anti-smoking campaign applauded
September 8, 2009