SG is working on a system for sick notes at the Student Health Center, according to Student Government Director of Academics Jonathan Hunter Walker. Walker addressed the SG Senate at its third meeting on Wednesday night.”The Student Health Center has determined that giving out sick notes doesn’t fall in its operating jurisdiction,” Walker said. “The Health Center’s stance has been making sure students’ health concerns are taken care, not in-class issues.”Walker said SG is working to have a productive system in place by the end of the semester in which University offices would receive a student’s sick note and then distribute the notice to the student’s professors.”Considering H1N1 going around, there is no reason to delay this,” Walker said. “It is really an oversight to leave students to fend for themselves in this matter.”Walker also announced Moodle 2.0 will be launched in time for next semester. Walker said the upgraded version of Moodle will incorporate new features and close gaps in Moodle’s current services. Among the new features Walker said are being considered for the new version is Mobile Moodle which would allow students to access Moodle from cell phones. Moodle developers are working on a consolidated grade book which would allow students to view grades from all of their classes at one time.Moodle 2.0 will also allow students to continue accessing Moodle while the site undergoes regularly scheduled updates, Walker said.Walker also announced he, along with other SG officials, would meet with Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost Astrid Merget next week to discuss implementation of a new dead week policy, a new class withdrawal policy and the issue of University professors basing students’ grades on how much students uses Moodle.”Instructors can see how many times a student logs into Moodle and how many times they have opened a document,” Walker said. “Some teachers are basing students’ participation and grades on how much a student uses Moodle. Speaking personally as a student and as the director of academics, this is a terrible idea that could have disastrous consequences by relying on misleading and unverifiable indicators.”Walker also reported a pilot programming for a campus textbook rental service is in its preliminary research stage.SG Director of Athletics Melissa Hart announced additional bag check lines for the Florida and Auburn football games. Hart also announced a new trophy for the Magnolia Bowl will be unveiled in the coming weeks. Hart said both LSU’s and Ole Miss’s athletic departments did not like the old trophy, so they decided to change it.————Contact Xerxes A. Wilson at [email protected]
Health center sick notes in works
September 10, 2009