“Oh-wee-oh, you su … I mean Tigers.”Or do I?One football-related topic has been almost as controversial on campus the last two years as the atrocity that is the BCS.That’s right — I’m talking about the “Oh-wee-oh” chant.Banned from all LSU games since the ’07 South Carolina game until a trial run at the Alabama match last season, the “Oh-wee-oh” chant was one of my favorite cheers played during a game. Not only was it fun rubbing it in the other team’s face that we just scored on them, we got to let them know they sucked — and we are a far superior team.Now with the “profane” term “you suck” taken out of the chant, it’s just not as fun and has lost some of its meaning. But wait, since when is the phrase “you suck” deemed “profane” or “an obscenity” on a college campus? Sure, you might get in trouble with your teacher for saying it … when we were all back in second grade. But in college?If you want to hear something profane, go to a Wisconsin football game and listen to what their student section yells back and forth to each other. I won’t go into detail here, but we’ll just say it involves eating feces and fornication. Don’t believe me? Look it up on YouTube.Last time I checked, the student section was filled with a bunch of crazy fans, and, as my old high school basketball coach once told us, the term “fan” is short for “fanatic.” This means it’s our job to act like crazy morons cheering for our team and to let the other team know whose house they are in.Now by no means am I recommending the student section yell certain four-letter words at Tim Tebow or Nick Saban (as much as they deserve it) to be heard on national television. That, in fact, is wrong and classless of the University, and I know LSU doesn’t want to be associated with that on any level.Also, while I don’t like it, I can see why the classic song “Tiger Rag” was banned after students start yelling “assholes” at the other team during the tune. That is also taking it too far.But “you suck” is not by any means on the same level as profanity as the examples I just named.Sure, we shortened the South Carolina’s mascot name, “‘Cocks” to the end of “you suck.” Was it right? Probably not.Was it funny? You bet.I can understand the University wanting to ban the song if during every game we yelled, “You suck, ‘Cocks,” at the other team. But that wasn’t the case. “You suck, Commodores” or “You suck, Gators” just doesn’t make any sense. Other than telling them they are bad, of course.South Carolina only comes to Tiger Stadium once every five or six years. Prior to the 2007 season, the ‘Cocks hadn’t been to Baton Rouge since 2002 and won’t come back until 2012 or ’13. So virtually none of the students in the student section at that game will likely be in the student section any longer.If it’s the players being offended, which it isn’t, they hear much worse than “you suck” down on the field.If it’s soccer moms not wanting Little Jimmy to hear that kind of language, well then that’s not our fault. What do you expect to hear bringing your kid to a COLLEGE campus swarming with crazy, drunken 18-23 year olds?Besides, I’m sure Little Jimmy hears way worse at whatever school he attends.South Carolina has tons of hats and T-shirts with the word “COCKS” plastered all over them. Does that mean all their clothing should be banned next time they come to Baton Rouge as well?People need to let the student section be the student section. Without us, the students, there is no LSU, no student section, no band, no football.Nothing.People shouldn’t be afraid of hearing “you suck” on a college campus — there are far worse things in this world.In the end, people just need to learn to grow a pair, like coach Miles, and stop being so offended by every little thing anyone might say.Adam Arinder is a 19-year-old electrical engineering major from Baton Rouge. Follow him on Twitter @TDR_aarinder.– – – -Contact Adam Arinder at [email protected]
Press X to Not Die: Political correctness is killing student section spirit
September 10, 2009