Student Government is hosting its annual bus trip to the Mississippi State football game this weekend.About 260 students with 10 chaperones will leave by bus at 3:30 a.m. Saturday for the six-hour trip to Starkville, Miss., said SG Director of Athletics Melissa Hart at the SG meeting Wednesday. Hart said the 11:30 a.m. kickoff caused the early Baton Rouge departure time. Because SG sponsors paid for the majority of the costs, students only had to pay $75 for tickets and a shirt, Hart said.Hart said the game against Mississippi State was selected for the trip because it was the most financially responsible game to attend.”We had a really heavy interest in the bus trip program this year,” Hart said. “Although it’s an early game, we are really excited about it.”Hart addressed the Senate on Wednesday about complaints regarding the bag check line at Tiger Stadium.Hart said she had received numerous complaints about how slow the bag check lines moved and said she is working with the Athletic Department to figure out a solution before the game against Florida. “I recommend if you don’t need a bag, that don’t bring them,” Hart said. “It will speed up the process for you and everyone.”The senate enrolled SG Concurrent Resolution 14, 15, 16 which approved the appointments of the three remaining members of the PSIF committee allowing the committee to take full function.As a result, SG Bill 10 — which would have allocated a $2,400 from the Student Senate Contingency Account for Biograds to offset the costs of a Biosymposium — was tabled until the PSIF committee meeting this Tuesday. The Biograds were unable to receive funding last week because of the PSIF committee — that would normally allocate such funds — was missing members.SG Concurrent Resolution 5 failed after much debate. The bill would have presented a referendum on the SG fall ballot to change the method in which Senate vacancies are filled.College council has 15 school days to fill vacancies in the Senate. If the spot has not been filled by the 15 days the Speaker of the Senate would then have power to fill the seat.The bill would have presented student’s with a choice in the fall ballot to take away the power of the Speaker to appoint senators of other academic colleges, but after many amendments, the bill failed.
——Contact Xerxes A. Wilson at [email protected]
Bus trip to be held this weekend
September 24, 2009