After a lengthy $22 million renovation, the Music and Dramatic Arts building will be rededicated this Sunday and host “The Royal Family” — its first performance on the new stage of the MDA building’s Shaver Theater.
“It’s the perfect play for this art deco theater — it’s in the right setting,” said John Dennis, director of “The Royal Family.” “They will to do something special has never left this department.”
A comedy set in the ’20s, “The Royal Family” centers around the Cavendish family, which is loosely based on the famous Barrymore family, of which Drew Barrymore is a descendent.
“[‘The Royal Family’] is about how [the Cavendish family] handles a life in the theater and a personal life at the same time,” Dennis said.
The curtain will rise Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. Tickets cost $15 for University students, $19 for faculty, staff and seniors and $28 for adults.
Contact Emily Slack at [email protected]
Music and Dramatic Arts Building to host its first play since renovation – 10:40 a.m.
September 16, 2009