The LSU Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the realignment plans for both LSU-Eunice and LSU-Shreveport at the June Board meeting today. At LSU-Eunice, the Division of Business and Technology and the Division of Nursing and Allied Health will now be the Division of Health Sciences and Business Technology. The change will go into effect July 1. Over time, the merger could potentially save up to $75,000. With a looming $4.5 million budget cut at LSU-Shreveport, four academic colleges — Sciences, Liberal Arts, Business Administration, and Education and Human Development — will combine into the College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Business, Education, and Human Development. The change will be phased in over the next year. The change will free up $250,000, which will be used to allay the reduced budget. “I just want to congratulate the administration at these two institutions,” said Board member Laura Leach. “You’re taking a difficult situation and making it work to the best of your ability. We appreciate what you’re doing.”—-Contact Katie Kennedy at [email protected]
Board approves realignment at LSU-Eunice and LSU-Shreveport – 3 p.m.
June 4, 2009