The third finalist for vice chancellor for student life and enrollment services visted the University’s campus on Nov. 29 through today.
Theresa Powell, vice presidnet for student affairs at Temple University, came to meet with University staff and students, tour the campus and participate in “Moving Foward with LSU: Challenges and Opportunities,” a campus-wide open forum for students, facutly and staff to hear from Powell and ask questions.
“This is a wonderful institution, and I think it’s an exciting time to be at LSU,” Powell said in a Dec. 1 University news release. “Through my conversations with people at LSU and my colleagues across the country – and these are people who know LSU and people who’ve only heard about LSU – and as a result of my own research, I have found this to be a wonderful place to work and to live.”
Powell spoke about issues facing higher education, such as budget cuts, globalization and access and success. She also spoke about different challenges for student life and enrollment services like increasing recruitment and retention of students, staff development and the division’s position in the Flagship Agenda.
“I think integrating student life’s philosophy with enrollment services’ business practices will create an organization that is responsive to the many challenges and opportunities that LSU will face,” Powell said.
Powell has also served as a professor, dean of students and the vice president for student affairs at Western Michigan University during her time there.
—-Contact Mary Walker Baus at [email protected]
Finalist for vice chancellor for student life and enrollment services visited the University
December 2, 2009