STDs are on the rise in Louisiana, but a new bill could help prevent their spread.Louisiana ranks highest in the nation in the rate of new cases of syphilis, second for gonorrhea and fifth for chlamydia, according to a 2008 study by the Center for Disease Control. House Bill 265, introduced by Representative Regina Barrow, D-Baton Rouge, requires health insurance companies to cover the cost of annual STD screenings in Louisiana.Lawmakers are not allowed to file tax bills this year, and finding the money would prove to be an issue if the bill passed. “That would be great if insurance covered testing,” said Seth Leblanc, English junior. “If you’re having sex with different people, it’s a good idea to get tested.” Alison Arbour, psychology sophomore, also agreed with the bill’s proposal. “I think it’s a good thing,” Arbour said. “Screening should be your choice.”Kathy Saichuk, Wellness Education coordinator at the Student Health Center, said while having insurance cover the cost of testing may be beneficial, more student education is still needed.”When we have education sessions, it’s amazing some of the questions we get,” Saichuk said.Saichuk also said having the cost covered doesn’t guarantee people will seek treatment.”We can only hope that people who test positive will take measures to seek treatment and protect others from becoming infected,” Saichuk said.The Health Center conducted a survey in 2009 to see how many students on campus tested positive for gonorrhea and chlamydia. Out of 1498 females surveyed, 76 tested positive for chlamydia, and 11 tested positive for gonorrhea. Out of 506 males surveyed, 43 tested positive for chlamydia, and 15 tested positive gonorrhea.One male of the group tested positive for both diseases, and three females tested positive for both, according to the Health Center.According to the study, the only way to completely protect oneself from the transmission of STDs is abstinence.The Women’s Health Clinic at the University offers STD testing with an annual exam for $26 to $50 depending on the tests conducted. Men can get tested in the general clinic for about the same amount.Many students believe wearing a condom will protect from any STD, Saichuk said.”Condoms are only completely effective for HIV,” said Saichuk. “These STIs are transmitted in other ways.”
__Contact Mandy Francois at [email protected]
New bill could cover cost of STD screenings in Louisiana
April 28, 2010