Intramural seasons at LSU University Recreation are coming to a close. With only the racquetball final left to play, champions were crowned this past week in indoor volleyball, softball and table tennis.Carne Buena defeated Phi Delta Theta, 2-1, to win the men’s indoor volleyball championship, while 504 shut out Tri Delta, 2-0, to win the women’s championship.In the co-rec volleyball league, UREC CR defeated Filthy Sets, 2-1, in the A championship game, and Michael Tiffin beat Boom Boom Pow, 2-0, to win the B championship.The men’s softball all-campus championship game pitted the winner of the men’s open A division, Skadoosh, and the winner of the men’s fraternity A softball division, Lambda Chi C. Skadoosh won that game, 13-5, to bring home the men’s softball all-campus championship.Crossfire defeated the CTK Crusaders, 12-1, in the women’s all campus softball championship game.Whitney Plaisance’s Team won the co-rec softball championship, defeating Couyons, 19-13, in the finals.The table tennis season also ended last week as Jacob Cohn defeated Philip Jungeblut, 3-1, in the championship match.With the intramural season under wraps, UREC Assistant Director of Leagues and Tournaments Matt Boyer said UREC is looking forward to next year and plans to have numerous changes to the intramural schedule.”We’re trying to expand the sports’ seasons and give the players a better return for their registration fees,” Boyer said.Boyer said the consensus among team captains was that teams want longer seasons. Boyer said UREC plans to increase each sport’s schedule by one additional game.Teams played three regular season games and were guaranteed one playoff game this year. Boyer said UREC plans to add an additional regular season game and still allow every team to make the playoffs. This addition would guarantee teams five games as opposed to four.”We want people to come out and play and have a good time,” Boyer said. “We don’t want to just cater to competitive teams. Any of those teams out here just for fun can still compete in the playoffs and see how far they can go.”Boyer confirmed there was no plan to increase fees for next year despite the expected increase in season games. UREC is considering removing referees from indoor volleyball next year and having teams use the “honor code” method, which would actually decrease fees, Boyer said.Along with lengthening the season, UREC is looking to add futsal, a form of indoor soccer, to next year’s schedule.Futsal is 5-on-5 soccer played indoors using a weighted size 3 soccer ball and the basketball court lines as the boundaries.”It’s more about skill and finesse rather than just kicking it off the wall,” Boyer said.Another change coming to intramural sports next year is teams getting to choose their own playoff bracket. A captain’s meeting will be held after the season, and teams will get the chance to choose where they sit in the playoff bracket.”It takes it off of our hands,” Boyer said. “This way we don’t schedule the top two teams to play early on. But if the top two teams want to play each other in the first game they can choose that.”UREC is also excited about beginning summer leagues, Boyer said.Registration for softball, 3-on-3 basketball and sand volleyball begins June 1 and carries on until June 13. Anyone who is eligible for UREC membership can play in the summer leagues without having to be a member.Boyer said intramural numbers were still high despite the fee increase this year. More than 5,000 students participated in intramural sports this school year, making up nearly 750 teams.Boyer said UREC is always looking for more feedback on ways to improve intramurals at LSU despite the great turnout.”I like to hear from concerned captains … I like captains that are involved in the program,” Boyer said. “We can get their input, implement it if we can and make changes for the better. But overall it was a good year.”–Contact Mark Clements at [email protected]
UREC: University Recreation wraps up season, plans change
May 5, 2010