Cars need to be careful around pedestriansThe University’s Easy Streets program, limiting the amount of traffic on campus, has been in effect for some time now, and I think the program has made it easier to walk around on campus during the day due to less traffic, but it has lead to the unintended consequence of making it VERY dangerous to walk on campus after 4:30 p.m. I have had the unfortunate situation of almost being hit by a passing car on more than one occasion. If I am in the middle of a marked crosswalk, it is the car’s duty to yield to me. It’s a PEDESTRIAN campus and just because it’s after 4:30 p.m., that does not mean that crosswalks are null and void. I think people driving on campus should be aware of crosswalks and aware of the fact that pedestrians in those crosswalks have the right of way! I do not want to have to fear for my life every time I cross the street. Please be more courteous to those crossing the street and obey on campus speed limits!Chantel Chauvinsociology Ph.D. candidate
Academic dishonesty reflects badly on everyone
I am a freshman student enrolled in MUS 1751. One of the requirements for this class is that each student attend at least three concerts put on by the LSU Music School and submit stamped concert programs to the instructor. Today, I received an e-mail — sent to everyone enrolled in my section of the class — from a student, who evidently did not attend any concerts, and wanted to buy three of them, for $10 each from any student who had extras.Let’s put aside for the moment the outraged feelings I have about University students like this one, who think they can advance their grades not by working hard but by bribing other students. Having already seen incidences of plagiarism in two other classes, I already knew there were such people. What really insults me — and should insult every honest University student — is that this person not only thought he could get ahead by cheating but also thought that everyone in the class would keep quiet while he tried to cheat and not report his attempted bribery.Is he right to think that? Does the University student body keep quiet when unethical behavior is in our midst?If so, my respect for University just went way down.Philip Goppeltcivil engineering freshman—–Contact The Daily Reveille’s opinion staff at [email protected]
Letters to the editor-May 4
May 3, 2010