While some students made last-minute plans for Mardi Gras celebrations, others celebrated a lesser known holiday — Darwin Day. Americans United for the Separation of Church and State held a forum for “The Top Ten Myths of Evolution” at the Unitarian Church on Goodwood Boulevard on Thursday night. Chris Faulk, biological sciences doctoral student, was the key note speaker.”Evolution is a fact and a theory, not just a theory,” Faulk said. “It is our job to inform the community of what we study.”AU is a national group that has been around since the ’40s with headquarters in Washington D.C.Patti Garner is the president of the Louisiana Chapter of AU, which was formed in 2008. “Lots of people think that the only thing we want to do is take prayer out of schools,” Garner said. “There are many misconceptions about our group.” The invitation for the forum was sent to other religious groups such as the Louisiana Family Forum. No one from that group attended the event. AU does not consider itself either a religious organization or a non-religious organization. “Our group consists of members of many different backgrounds, both religious and non-religious,” said Garner. “We welcome all points of view.”The talk was an overview of the genetic, paleoanthropological and historical aspects of evolution with a bit of humor. Faulk showed a picture of Darwin’s head placed on a monkey’s body, which was used to attack Darwin and his theories in his time. Faulk stressed that evolution is both a fact and a theory.”The fact is that species change,” Faulk said. “The theory is the mechanisms by which they change.” The forum was held not only to celebrate Darwin Day, but also to raise awareness about the acceptance of evolution.The United States ranks second to last in acceptance of evolution. Turkey is the only country with a lower acceptance rate according to Faulk’s presentation. The event was also held as a fundraiser for AU. Donations were accepted from those who attended but were not required.”We’re still a new group,” Garer said. “Right now we need members more than we need money. I would like to get more students — they are always highly motivated.”Darwin’s book, “The Origin of Species” was published in 1859. Last year marked the 150th anniversary of its publishing. Darwin Day is traditionally celebrated on Feb. 12, which is Darwin’s birthday.
—–Contact Mandy Francois at [email protected]
Organization celebrates Darwin Day, discusses evolution
February 12, 2010
MELANIE SCOTT / The Daily Reveille Chris Faulk, doctoral student in biological sciences, gives a pre
Chris Faulk, doctoral student in biological sciences, gives a presentation Feb. 12 on myths about evolution. Faulk’s presentation was to celebrate Darwin Day.