ABC Family’s hit show, Greek, portrays the lives of several fraternity and sorority members as they struggle through the ups and downs of life, college and love. The Beaver, portrayed by Aaron Hill, is a happy-go-lucky member of Kappa Tau whose main interests are beer and brotherhood. With the new season of Greek looming in the near future – Jan. 3 – Technician got the chance to ask Hill about the relationship between The Beaver, himself and the other cast members.
Technician: Where do you get your inspiration for The Beaver’s character?
Hill: Initially… when a new show is coming out, the directors and producers have what are called breakdowns, which are short descriptions of what they’re looking for. Beaver was basically an NFL player in early retirement. He chose to party more than play and so therefore he got way into his college life.
Initially, I looked toward some of the classic college characters – like a Bluto from Animal House, a little bit Ogre from Revenge of the Nerds just because of my physical stature tends to be… totally intense. Then also, I wanted him to be a typical frat guy in the sense that he loves to party and have a good time but also convey the sense that he has the backs of his brothers. He’s the guy that no matter what, he’s there for his friends.
The twist we sort of molded is – I don’t want to say stupid – but he’s just in his own world and he sort of got this style or something about him sometimes. You can say that Beaver’s stupid, but I don’t think that would be accurate, he really just is content to live in his own reality and therefore ignores everything else around him. He just doesn’t pay attention.
Technician: Is The Beaver similar to the real Aaron Hill?
Hill: Definitely. Any time, as an actor, there has to be some part of you that shines through the character. At the end of the day, it’s got to be a portion of you or else it won’t really translate.
Aaron Hill is someone who definitely does have the back of his friends. I love to have a good time. I can’t say that I’m dumb, although my family and girlfriend do say that to me at times – but I like to try to see the optimistic side of things, I try and look for the best in situations and not always, you know, to a fault sometimes perhaps, have rose-colored glasses on.
There’s some Aaron Hill in The Beaver. I think most actors would have to agree to some extent that they use a portion of themselves into what they portray.
Technician: Which cast member are you closest to on the set of Greek?
Hill: We all get along well; we all hang out quite often together. More than anything, I hang out with Zack Lively, who plays Heath. We’ve hit it off since the pilot and we hang out all the time, whether it’s double dates and all that good stuff. The whole cast, we do see each other often. I’m looking forward to the new season because I’m sure we’ll have a party and watch it together. We’re a tight-knit group, but I think Zack more than anyone is who I hang out with often.