Dead week is upon us. Everyone is buckling down to finish final projects and start studying for final exams. As students, we are realizing that the end is near and we have got to hit the books in order to ace our exams. Most of us will turn into all-nighter coffee junkies, but there are those of us who will turn to other, more dangerous substances.
We all know exams and projects are mainstays of college. The end of the semester should not surprise us with projects and papers. To counteract the possibility of substance abuse, we should prepare ourselves to deal with studying and stress. Getting sleep and snacking regularly can help you focus while you study. If you know you have to study, plan your week out and stick to it.
According to the University, ADHD medication is one of the top abused drugs, aside from painkillers and anti-anxiety medications. Students think taking these stimulants, which are actually amphetamine salts, will help them focus as they try to study and finish their work. While one of the effects of these drugs is stimulating you to focus, there is a multitude of other undesirable side effects. These effects can more than double if the user is taking other medications. These health risks are never worth being able to focus.
Besides the health risks, there are legal implications that are worse. The North Carolina Controlled Substances Act recognizes this drug. If you have no prescription for the medications and you are caught with less than 100 pills, it is a misdemeanor, but if caught with more than 100 pills, it is a felony. There is no reason to risk a couple of months in prison for an exam grade.
The University Counseling Center offers services to help students cope with drug abuse. If you or a friend are using prescription drugs with out a prescription, as many times as we’ve heard it, you should seek out the Counseling Center. They can also help you cope with stress and find out other ways to focus.
The bottom line is nothing should drive you to risk your health and time to abuse prescription drugs. It is a tempting quick fix to help you focus, but there are other things you can do to help yourself. Being proactive helps, but also developing a game plan can make Dead Week survivable. At the end of the semester, we should be able to say we were successful without the help of drugs.