Dear John Swofford
I am writing you to indicate my disgust with the ACC for its failure to appropriately reprimand Kevin Reddick for his intentional and malicious acts of physical violence towards Owen Spencer and Jarvis Williams. His unsportsman-like conduct was not only blatant and largely unprovoked, it was clearly caught on film for the world to see. Your lack of action is an embarrassment to our schools, our conference, and fans in the interest of good sportsmanship the world over. Knowing that you have already released, in a public statement, that Kevin Reddick will go unpunished by the ACC, I would like to remind you that his conduct, and the lack of action by the ACC is in stark contrast with the mission of the ACC as an organization:
“[The ACC] strongly adheres to the principles of integrity and sportsmanship, and supports the total development of the student-athlete and each member institution athletics staff, with the intent of producing enlightened leadership for tomorrow.”
In line with its mission statement, the ACC should strongly adhere to the principles of integrity and sportsmanship by not allowing Kevin Reddick’s poor sportsmanship to go unpunished. Kevin Reddick kneed Owen Spencer in the throat, attempted to kick Owen Spencer in the face, then pushed Jarvis Williams, and threw and connected on a violent left hook to Jarvis Williams’ head gear. The ACC not severely punishing this athlete is tantamount to its support of unsportsman-like play. I strongly urge you to reconsider the ACC’s official position regarding this incident, and at the very least that you will issue a public statement.
Until you do act on this egregious act of unprovoked violence I, and a large group of individuals in support of sportsman-like conduct, will contact major online and traditional media outlets to provide them with video evidence of the event, and to request that they draw attention to the ACC’s failure and inability to control its own member institutions and their players. In addition, we will also contact the ACC’s corporate sponsors to request, as concerned customers, that they cease to provide support for an organization that does not abide by its underlying values.
Brian Coleman
Durham, N.C.