Apology for ECU’s actions at Saturday’s game
Dear N.C. State family,
I am an East Carolina University alumnus and returning student. I attended the epic game on Saturday, Oct. 16 with many of you. While I was proud of my team for beating such a respectable school, I am appalled at my fellow students. I know that nothing I say can make up for the embarrassment and humiliation some of you had to endure in the stands, but I would like to apologize on behalf of my classmates. There is no excuse for a minimum of three fights breaking out in a four-hour period at a university function. There is no excuse for people throwing trash at visitors. There is no excuse for performing lewd acts on possessions that represented you. Ene drunken idiot tried to give N.C. State syphilis by sticking an N.C. State flag down his pants, rubbing vigorously, and then pulling it out for all to see, smell, etc. I hope most of my East Carolina family will agree with me when I say thank you for visiting our fine campus, thank you for allowing us to be your hosts, and next time we meet again I hope we can act a little more respectable and welcome you with more positive attitudes and actions.
Caroline Knauss
ECU alumnus