I recently read in the Baton Rouge Advocate about the SG President’s letter pleading for Gov. Bobby Jindal to return to Louisiana to deal with budgetary issues. I have a problem with our SG president writing such a letter for several reasons.
First and foremost, it was published in a New Hampshire newspaper. If he had an opinion about the Louisiana governor, he should have had the courage to publish it in a Louisiana newspaper’s editorial section. I’m sure the people of the great state of New Hampshire don’t care about the opinions of a college student 1,200 miles away. They have their own unique issues.
The next problem I have with his ‘plea’ for the governor’s return to fix budget issues is that Gov. Jindal does not solely dictate the budget. He may draft it, and ultimately approve it, but our state’s budget issues are due to an out-of-control Democratic state Legislature that appropriates for massive pork projects.
Finally, Jindal is very popular around the nation, and like many other highly visible Republicans, he is campaigning for his party.
Louisiana isn’t the only state with budget issues, yet New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, along with Gov. Jindal, are all fundraising for the Republican Party across the nation. This is important for the national reestablishment of bipartisanship that was lost under the Obama administration.
Additionally, it makes Gov. Jindal highly visible to the nation as a potential presidential candidate in 2012 or 2016. If the people of Louisiana elected him governor, along with his high approval rating, the people of Louisiana should like to see him run the nation.
The facts indicate that Louisiana was one of the least affected states by the economic recession. Gov. Jindal and his policies kept Louisiana relatively prosperous in comparison to the rest of the nation. If he can do that on a national stage, Louisiana would experience further economic prosperity.
If Hudson wants the governor of Louisiana restrained to the state, maybe he should run for governor with his own agenda. As for Gov. Jindal’s travels, I wish him well.
Erik Rhine
political science senior
Contact The Daily Reveille’s opinion staff at [email protected]
Letter to The Editor: 10/18/2010
October 19, 2010