It’s no secret the Nintendo Wii has been somewhat successful during its first four years on the market.OK, I can’t even type that sarcasm and have it come off correctly — the Wii has been ridiculously super successful in its first four years of life.It doesn’t help that in addition to the purists who have been with Nintendo all the way back to the original Nintendo Entertainment System and have been blowing into cartridges their entire life, the majority of Wii owners are soccer moms and grandparents trying to stay hip with the kiddies and their technology.This gaming generation has brought on the biggest division of hardcore and casual gamers (with most of it being brought on by Nintendo’s little white box).In this corner, we have the hardcore gamers. Those who grew up rescuing every princess from every tower and can recite to you every level of every Mario, Zelda or Metroid game if you offered them another extra life.In the opposite corner, we have the casual gamers. These soccer moms, grandparents and keeping-up-with-the-Joneses who have never even thought of owning a console but saw their friend’s brother’s neighbor’s cat’s owner’s Wii and decided they wanted one too. They waggle their Wiimotes around and scour the “bargain bin” and their local retailer for the latest knock-off game to surprise their kids.Unfortunately, this new influx of console owners have brought every wannabe developer out of the woodwork to quickly produce as many cheap, gimmicky games as possible to cash-in on uniformed purchasers.And with this “shovelware” being so cheap and quality games having the normal, higher price tag, it’s easy for the few hidden gems to be lost in the muck.This has brought many a core gamer to cry out, blaming and belittling this group of new-time gamers because of this invasion of crappy games causing developers to cater to these cash-in titles rather than support those who have followed them for years.However, what the quest taking, experience hoarding, basement dwelling, Mountain Dew drinking group of gamers have forgotten is, at one point in time or another, they were part of this group of newbie, casual crowd.Hardly anyone can say they immediately picked up a controller and instantly beat Mario Bros. without once using an extra life. Not one person can say the first time they played Sonic the Hedgehog every chaos emerald was in their grasp.Things aren’t like that.Just as this group of core gamers took their Pokemon and evolved from their once newbie state, there is hope for this new class of gamers.Instead of looking down upon this new crowd of stick waggling players, core gamers should embrace them.Instead of belittling them over the Dora Saves the Ice Princess game they’re playing, use that as a gateway to introduce them to the vast history of video game greatness they’re obviously unaware of existing – because why else would someone be playing Dora Saves the Ice Princess?If I’ve learned anything from my time at Best Buy is that the general public is naïve and ignorant and it’s my job to point them in the right direction.Just like I do my job to point people away from the sea of shovelware titles and toward games that are worth it, veteran gamers should help out the new recruits because it’s only a matter of time before they start shooting your head off in Call of Duty.And as they watch their head explode, they should smile and be proud they saved someone from falling into the “Just Dance” crowd. —-Contact Adam Arinder at [email protected].
Press X to Not Die: Hardcore gamers should embrace the casual crowd
July 5, 2010