Mike the Tiger column was offensive
Editorial Staff,
I would first like to point out that I am not the type of person who normally writes what you are about to read. I am extremely laid-back. However, the article Mr. Scott Burns wrote Thursday made the blood that keeps me alive boil. The content of the article, along with the personal desire of Mr. Burns to attack the very foundation and integral pieces that make Louisiana State University what it is, shows your staff’s irresponsibility in editing.
First, the fact that Mike the Tiger, as well as his habitat and general display, is funded by the Tiger Athletic Foundation and has very little, if no, impact on the University budget was highly misrepresented. There is no correlation between the status of Kirby-Smith Hall and the cutting of professors to the lifestyle and wellness of our beloved mascot, but of course responsible journalism is a dying art. I’d also like to add that, while I am not a fan of Les Miles and am cautiously optimistic about this year’s football season, Mr. Burn’s attempt to be humorous by attacking the football team and its head coach was, for a lack of better terms, an “epic fail” (not to mention his unprovoked attack on the Greek system, which is the face of this University for many alumni and non-alumni alike).
How on God’s green Earth you would allow this crap to be published in LSU’s newspaper was the firing pin in the .50 caliber Scott Burns is pointing at his “beloved” establishment of higher education. I’ll enlighten you on your publication’s nickname – The Daily Joke. The only thing humorous remotely related to your paper is TDR’s organization and promise to its writers that their job is a “springboard to future success” in the journalism industry.
I’ll end with something I would like to point out that has obviously flown so far over your heads that it is way past the cloud nine you and your staff are currently on. The Tiger Athletic Foundation is the biggest marketing tool and money maker for this University, allowing future students and alumni the experience of LSU they may otherwise not come in contact with. Try not to ruin that by publishing titanic mounds of crap and slander, as it is your responsibility to monitor the content of Reveille articles. Remember, there are ladies on campus, so watch your filthy mouths.
Dillon Mathies
Political science and history junior, member of SAE fraternity
Letter to the editor: 9/13/10
September 12, 2010