STEPHEN BUCKNER, Reveille Radio News Reporter:
As the month of September moves along, LSU finds itself immersed in the midst of football season.
And with seven home games on the slate for this year, fans are sure to partake in their usual and legendary tailgating festivities.
However, fans may soon notice that the University’ s two Indian Mounds on the west end of campus are off limits this fall for tailgating.
Geology and geophysics professor, Brooks Ellwood, and his colleagues are attempting to raise awareness for each mound’s vulnerability.
BUCKNER: Prof. Ellwood says the mounds are susceptible to a mass-wasting process and their degradation is only being furthered by human interaction.
PROF. BROOKS ELLWOOD (LSU Professor, Department of Geology and Geophysics): The end result is that ultimately the mounds will be reduced significantly in their size and that process is aggravated by folks that load up the mound.
BUCKNER: Prof. Ellwood says that many people do understand the importance of preserving the 6 thousand-year-old mounds. Not everyone seemed to be in favor of the change.
PROF. ELLWOOD: There was one individual who came up to me and said, “Well you know I pay a lot of money to go to these games, and I just want to be out here and let my son have a good time and, and play on these mounds and you’re ruining it for me.”
BUCKNER: Rob Mann who is the Assistant Professor of Research in the Department of Geography and Anthropology stated they were likely built by what is referred to as archaic Indians.
ROB MANN, Ph.D. (Southeast Regional Archaeologist and LSU Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Anthropology): We’re there to answer any questions that people might have and just try to get people to think about the mounds in a new way, not simply as a hill to slide down but as a cultural icon to be protected and preserved.
BUCKNER: Dr. Mann believes people will eventually see the benefits of his department’s campaign.
DR. MANN: I think ultimately we’ll be successful because I don’t think anyone wants to see the mounds destroyed.
BUCKNER: This has been Stephen Buckner, Reveille Radio News.
Indian Mounds off-limits on game day
September 26, 2010
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