The chancellor’s job is demanding and includes many responsibilities. Randy Woodson is the face of the University internationally, nationally and statewide — and to donors. The University would be at a great loss if it has to solely rely on state monies and tuition fees. Many projects and scholarships would be impossible to provide if it weren’t for donors and the endowment.
One of the ways the chancellor speaks with donors is by using his home to welcome guests. Since the current home is fairly small for the number of entertained guests, the chancellor’s new house on Centennial Campus should lead to the expansion of the endowment fund. One of Woodson’s goals is to expand the fund, so the new house should prove as both a tool and an example of what donated funds and resources can accomplish, which should translate into more funds and exposure for the University.
Both the donors and the students of the University need to know the chancellor is using this house to benefit the University, whether it be financially or as an example of the possibilities at N.C. State. By openly communicating funds raised, maybe not directly from events at the house, the student body will be more aware of where the resources are coming from and the donors will be able to see where their money is being used.
Woodson needs to set goals for raising funds for the University. Using research and program examples from the University, as well as its research stations across the state, and now his own home, he should be able to show where N.C. State stands in the industry. He also should initiate programs he can host at his new home that are open to both students and donors, so both of these groups can intermingle. This will show the donors who is benefiting from their donations and students who is helping fund their education.
This transparency, which Chancellor Woodson prides himself on, will help stimulate an environment where donated funds can be used in ways that are conducive to education, extension and research, furthering the mission of N.C. State.
The Point also represents a collective project of the state itself and allows it to have a hand in the legacy of N.C. State as a university for and by the people of North Carolina. It is a project that can help the chancellor raise funds, as well as promote the University.