Fall is in the air. The changing of the seasons brings fellowship, football season, the return to the stately oaks and broad magnolias, and cooler weather. Well, this is south Louisiana, so scratch that last one. As students return to campus, some things never change. Classes are boring, Tigerland parties, the University is falling apart faster than Earth in “2012” and I still hate Apple. Fortunately, I’m not here to bring the doom and gloom of forlorn budget cuts you’ve been reading about these first two days of class. I’m here to talk about how another prestigious organization spends its money to further research and knowledge. The online dating website OKCupid recently released a survey distributed to its members and reported the thrilling fact that iPhone users have more sex than any other smart phone handler. Groundbreaking information, I know. The website polled 9,785 of its users, asking various questions concerning photo attractiveness in certain situations, what time of the day users feel they look their best and how many sexual partners they’ve had. The report shows men with iPhones have had 10 sexual partners by age 30, compared to eight partners for men with BlackBerrys and six for those with Android devices. The study also shows women are a bit more, let’s say, promiscuous than their male counterparts. On average, by age 30 women with iPhones have had 12 1/2 sexual partners, with BlackBerry owners reaching almost nine and Android holders at six. First of all, the fact someone, somewhere took the time to crunch this data amuses me. While a top-tier University is struggling to keep the power turned on, studies are being conducted to show who gets more action. But hey, it’s a dating website. Everyone lies about their information on those things anyway. Secondly, why are the numbers so staggering? While it’s no secret iPhones have taken over the world, one would assume because it’s the best selling phone, of course its users would get around more. Not so fast, my friend. The iPhone has appeared to be the second coming of Christ for the past three years, but that may not necessarily be true. Earlier this month, the NPD Group released numbers for the second quarter of 2010 in respect to smart phone sales, and Android has become the top-selling operating system among smart phones in America. Score one for the little green robot. But then again, does having more sexual partners mean you’re “cooler” than everyone else? Living in a day where society has taught us that being cool means you have to go around glowing orange with hair like a greased monkey, fist pumping your way to a TV show, it’s not surprising to hear stuff like this. How I learned of this study was my Apple rep from work sent me the link as a retort to me bragging about Android being No. 1 in sales (I’m a proud Droid Incredible owner myself). This is the world in which we live. Complete morons get on TV and become rich while those looking to further their academic careers find themselves studying in fear over the thought of losing their degrees or even entire colleges. But a fair warning to all those iPhone owners hoping this new study can help you pick up that cute girl or guy for a fun night to get your number closer to “average” — just because your Apple product can’t catch any viruses doesn’t mean you can’t either. Given these numbers, chances are you will catch something — and trust me, there isn’t an app for getting rid of it, either. Adam Arinder is a 20-year-old communication studies senior from Baton Rouge. Follow him on Twitter @TDR_aarinder. —-Contact Adam Arinder at [email protected]
Press X to not die: Study shows iphone users have more sex than others
August 24, 2010